The Arizona Parents Commission on Drug Education and Prevention was created by voter initiative in 1996 and established by A.R.S. §41-1604.17. The Parents Commission receives funds from the Drug Treatment and Education Fund, established by A.R.S. §13-901.02, to fund programs that increase and enhance parental involvement, and increase education about the serious risks and public health problems caused by the abuse of alcohol and controlled substances.
For SFY24, the Parents Commission Grant is funding 27 grantees throughout Arizona. Grant awards total $4.5 million and were selected based on a competitive grant process. The next Request for Grant Applications (RFGA) will be available in early 2025. The Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family (GOYFF) uses the eCivis Grant Management System when issuing “Letters of Intent to Issue a Solicitation” for RFGAs.
The Commission is comprised of nine members, five of whom are parents, appointed by the Governor to serve two-year terms. Commissioners represent members of the community who work in fields specific to Education, the Courts, Law Enforcement, and Drug Treatment. The Commission meets six times each year, and all meetings are open to the public.